10 Best Bryce Dallas Howard Movies, Ranked

Prepare to delve into the dynamic performances of Bryce Dallas Howard, ranked in her top movies to date. She's amazed audiences in exciting blockbusters like 'Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom' and 'Spider-Man 3.' You've definitely appreciated her in the touching dramas 'The Help' and '50/50'. Her captivating portrayals in 'Black Mirror: Nosedive', 'Manderlay', 'Terminator Salvation' and the critically acclaimed 'The Village: A Thriller' have made a lasting impact too. Don't overlook her remarkable performances in the musical biopic 'Rocketman' and based on real events, 'Gold'. Intrigued? There's a lot more where that came from!

Key Takeaways

  • "Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom" features Bryce Dallas Howard in a thrilling world of dinosaur dangers, with commendable visual effects.
  • Howard delivers a captivating performance in "Black Mirror: Nosedive", earning Emmy and SAG award nominations.
  • In "The Village: A Thriller", Howard's award-nominated performance adds to the eerie world set in 19th-century Pennsylvania.
  • Howard's role in "The Help" delves into racial discrimination, co-starring with Viola Davis and Emma Stone.
  • "Spider-Man 3", where Howard plays Gwen Stacy, is a commercial success, making it one of her best works.

Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom

Dive headfirst into the thrilling world of 'Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom,' where Bryce Dallas Howard, alongside Chris Pratt, faces new dinosaur dangers and a looming volcanic eruption. Jeff Goldblum makes a comeback, adding to the exciting mix.

With themes of animal rights and genetic engineering, this suspenseful sequel introduces terrifying new breeds of dinosaurs. Its visual effects and action sequences are truly commendable.

This is 'Jurassic World' evolved.

The Village: A Thriller

Step into the eerie world of 'The Village,' a thrilling film where Bryce Dallas Howard delivers an award-nominated performance as Ivy Elizabeth Walker, an unlikely heroine in a 19th-century Pennsylvania hamlet.

Directed by M. Night Shyamalan, it's one of the best psychological thrillers that keeps you on the edge of your seat with its unique plot twists and Howard's compelling portrayal.

The Help: A Social Drama

Diving into the turbulent waters of racial discrimination, 'The Help' features Bryce Dallas Howard as the clever socialite Hilly Holbrook, skillfully maneuvering the societal norms of 1960s Jackson, Mississippi.

  • Howard's performance is critically acclaimed
  • The film co-stars Viola Davis and Emma Stone
  • Octavia Spencer won an Academy award for her role
  • It's categorized under 'Best Movies Based On Books' and 'Most Inspirational Movies Of All Time'

A must-watch, 'The Help' is a poignant exploration of racism.

Black Mirror: Nosedive

Let's delve into 'Black Mirror: Nosedive', where Bryce Dallas Howard delivers a captivating performance as Lacie Pound in a world obsessed with social ratings. You'll see her talents shine as she navigates this dystopian society, a role that earned her Emmy and SAG award nominations.

Not just that, this episode's impact resonated into real life, inspiring Instagram to make some significant changes.

"Nosedive" Plot Summary

In the riveting Black Mirror episode 'Nosedive', you'll find Bryce Dallas Howard portraying Lacie Pound, a character fixated on her social rating in a world where every interaction is critically scored.

  • The TV series paints a dystopian social media culture.
  • Lacie's obsession with her social rating steers her life.
  • Her pursuit of a high rating spirals out of control.
  • The episode acquires acclaim, highlighting Howard's powerful performance.

Howards Performance Analysis

Strap in as we investigate Bryce Dallas Howard's exceptional performance in 'Black Mirror: Nosedive', a role that not only garnered her critical acclaim but also impacted real-world social media practices.

Her portrayal of Lacie Pound, maneuvering a social ratings-driven world, earned her Primetime Emmy and SAG Awards nominations, showcasing her acting versatility.

'Nosedive' truly reflects Howard's ability to delve into complex themes.

Impact on Pop Culture

Building on her powerful performance in 'Nosedive', Bryce Dallas Howard's portrayal of Lacie Pound has had a profound influence on pop culture, particularly evident in social media practices.

  • Her role sparked conversations about societal validation and online ratings.
  • Instagram even introduced an option to hide likes, inspired by the show.
  • 'Nosedive' highlighted the perils of equating self-worth with social media success.
  • Howard's performance remains a commentary on our digital society.

50/50: A Comedy Drama

In the comedy-drama '50/50', you see Bryce Dallas Howard giving a riveting performance as Rachael, a woman supporting a cancer patient. Her portrayal not only showcases her versatility but also adds emotional depth to the film.

Isn't it fascinating how the film manages to balance humor and gravitas, partly thanks to Howard's performance?

Howards Role and Performance

When you watch the comedy drama '50/50', you'll see Bryce Dallas Howard shine in the role of Rachael. Not just a love interest to a cancer patient, her character portrayal is a demonstration of Howard's acting versatility, earning her Golden Globe nominations.

  • Howard's performance in '50/50' garnered critical acclaim
  • Showcases Howard's range in a complex role
  • Brings depth and emotion to her character, Rachael
  • Delivers a heartfelt and compelling performance in '50/50'

Impact on Film Success

Bryce Dallas Howard's stellar performance in '50/50' really gave the comedy drama a shot in the arm, helping it become a critically acclaimed exploration of cancer battles with a perfect blend of emotional depth and humor.

Her portrayal of Rachael contributed to the film's two Golden Globe Awards nominations. Howard's nuanced role resonated with audiences, proving her versatility and increasing the film's box office success.

Comedy and Drama Balance

Striking a perfect equilibrium between comedy and drama is no small feat, yet that's exactly what you'll find in '50/50,' thanks to the skillful touch of Bryce Dallas Howard.

  • She skillfully balances comedy-drama in '50/50.'
  • The movie delves into cancer's intricacies with humor and heart.
  • Her portrayal of Rachael earned critical acclaim.
  • '50/50' received two Golden Globe Award nominations.

Howard's performance adds depth to the comedy-drama genre, making '50/50' a must-watch.

Spider-Man 3: Superhero Film

Diving into the world of superheroes, you'll find Bryce Dallas Howard brilliantly portraying Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker's lab partner, in 'Spider-Man 3'.

Her dedication shone as she studied comics and performed stunts while pregnant. This superhero film was a commercial success, being Sony Pictures' fifth highest-grossing.

Howard's depth-filled performance as Stacy added much-needed complexity to the character, demonstrating her versatility in the superhero genre.

Terminator Salvation: Sci-Fi Action

Shifting focus to the domain of sci-fi action, you'll witness Howard's remarkable shift from a superhero sidekick to a post-apocalyptic physician in 'Terminator Salvation'.

  • As Kate Connor, she's a key player in the Resistance against machines.
  • Her performance brings depth to the post-apocalyptic world of 'Terminator Salvation'.
  • The film's success owes a lot to Howard's compelling portrayal.
  • Despite mixed reviews, Howard's role was praised in this high-grossing sci-fi action film.

Manderlay: A Unique Drama

Let's shift gears to 'Manderlay', a unique drama.

You'll find that its distinctive narrative style sets the stage for Bryce Dallas Howard's powerful performance as Grace Margaret Mulligan.

Not to miss, this film also deals with intense socio-political themes that will surely make you think.

Manderlays Distinctive Narrative Style

You'll find yourself captivated by the unique storytelling of 'Manderlay', a one-of-a-kind drama that thrusts Bryce Dallas Howard into the spotlight as the complex character, Grace Margaret Mulligan.

  • Manderlay's narrative challenges societal conventions.
  • It delves into themes of freedom, power dynamics, and social injustice.
  • Manderlay encourages contemplation of historical injustices.
  • The film shines a light on struggles for equality and freedom.

This narrative style immerses you in Grace's world, prompting contemplation of profound societal issues.

Bryce Dallas Howards Performance

Moving on to Bryce Dallas Howard's performance in 'Manderlay', it's clear that her portrayal of Grace Margaret Mulligan truly showcases her range and ability to tackle complex roles.

In this thought-provoking drama, she navigates challenging roles with precision, effectively highlighting social injustice.

Howard's performances, especially in 'Manderlay', demonstrate her unique ability to embody characters in films that explore critical social issues.

Manderlays Socio-Political Themes

Ever pondered about the depths of socio-political themes in 'Manderlay'? This unique drama, featuring Bryce Dallas Howard, delves deep into:

  • Slavery's shadows in the 1930s
  • Complex power dynamics and the elusive concept of freedom
  • Social injustice, starkly portrayed
  • The aftermath of historical injustices

'Manderlay' offers an insightful commentary on society, making it a standout in Howard's filmography.

Rocketman: Musical Biopic

In the musical biopic 'Rocketman,' Bryce Dallas Howard delivers an unforgettable performance as Sheila, Elton John's mother, adding an emotional depth to the highs and lows of John's extraordinary journey. Her portrayal of Sheila in this biographical musical earned her a Golden Globe nomination.

'Rocketman' showcases Howard's acting chops, cementing her reputation as a versatile actress capable of bringing authenticity to her roles.

Gold: A Modern Adventure

Delving into the realm of scandalous gold mining, Bryce Dallas Howard delivered an outstanding performance in 'Gold,' a captivating film based on the real-life Bre-X mining scandal of the 1990s.

  • Howard brilliantly embodied Kay, a character who offers strong support to Matthew McConaughey's character.
  • 'Gold' delves into the themes of ambition and greed in mining.
  • Howard's performance garnered her a Golden Globe nomination.
  • This role highlights her capacity to bring depth and intricacy to her characters.


So, you've taken a cinematic journey through Bryce Dallas Howard's most remarkable films. From the gripping tension of Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom to the heart-wrenching social commentary of The Help, her performances never fail to enchant.

Imagine being stranded on an island, much like Jurassic World, but instead of dinosaurs, you're surrounded by Howard's diverse roles. It's a thrilling exploration, one that showcases her versatility and undeniable talent.

These films are proof of her acting prowess.

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