15 Types of Cheese Ranked From Worst to Best

Have you ever found yourself standing in the cheese aisle, overwhelmed by the sheer variety of options? You're not alone. The world of cheese is vast and complex, with each type boasting its distinctive flavor, texture, and aroma.

In this discussion, we'll help you sift through the cheddar confusion by ranking 15 types of cheese from worst to best. We'll take into account factors like taste, versatility, and how well each cheese complements a range of dishes.

Ready to find out if your favorite made the top spot? Let's get started...

Key Takeaways

  • American Cheese and Cottage Cheese are both widely used in comfort foods but are not highly regarded in the gourmet world. American Cheese is popular for its melting properties, while Cottage Cheese is a healthy, low-fat option.
  • Blue Cheese is known for its tangy and pungent flavor, creamy texture, and versatility in various culinary creations. It enhances the flavor profile of salads, pasta, fruits, burgers, and more.
  • Muenster Cheese has a mild, buttery flavor and excellent melting quality. Its vibrant orange rind makes it visually appealing. Parmesan Cheese adds a salty and nutty flavor to pasta dishes, salads, risotto, soups, and veggies.
  • Feta Cheese provides a crumbly, salty, and tangy taste when sprinkled over Greek salad or incorporated into creamy dips. Gruyère Cheese is rich, nutty, and versatile, perfect for Swiss cuisine, fondue parties, gratins, and sandwiches.

15. American Cheese

Often dismissed as merely processed, American cheese mightn't have the refined qualities of natural cheeses, but its melting properties make it a go-to choice for comfort foods like grilled cheese sandwiches, nacho sauce, and macaroni and cheese.

You'll find it's not highly regarded in the gourmet world, but in the realm of late-night diner fare, it holds its own.

14. Cottage Cheese

Don't let cottage cheese's mild, slightly sour taste and lumpy texture fool you; though often overlooked due to its lack of distinct flavor, it's a healthy, low-fat, high-protein option that manages to find its way into many diet-friendly recipes.

Despite its health benefits, cottage cheese is often considered mediocre due to its bland taste and unexciting texture compared to other more flavorsome cheeses.

13. Blue Cheese

You're about to explore the world of Blue Cheese, a cheese praised for its pungent flavor and creamy texture.

Not only will you learn about its unique characteristics, but you'll also discover its versatility in the culinary world.

From salads to main dishes, blue cheese can enhance a meal's flavor profile and elevate your cooking experience.

Blue Cheese Characteristics

If you're a fan of strong, complex flavors, blue cheeses, like Roquefort, Gorgonzola, and Stilton, will captivate your palate with their tangy and pungent notes, making them a versatile addition to dishes ranging from salads and pasta to fruits and burgers.

  • Blue cheese's creamy and crumbly texture pairs well with various dishes.
  • It's made from different milk types.
  • It's matured to develop distinct flavors.
  • It's best enjoyed in small, flavorful doses.

Culinary Uses of Blue

When it comes to elevating your dishes with a bold flavor, blue cheese offers a world of culinary possibilities. It delivers a sharp twist to salad dressings, a tangy punch to quiches, and a creamy richness to pasta dishes, pizzas, and more.

As one of the most versatile types of cheese, blue is a must-have in your kitchen. It has the power to transform ordinary meals into gourmet masterpieces with its distinct flavor.

12. Muenster Cheese

Distinctly recognized by its vibrant orange rind, Muenster cheese offers a mild, buttery flavor and creamy texture that's versatile enough for a wide array of dishes. This cheese could be your new best cheese choice.

  • Known for its distinctive rind
  • Offers a mild, buttery flavor
  • Versatile in various dishes
  • Excellent melting quality

Consider Muenster the next time you're looking for a flavor-packed, visually appealing cheese.

11. Swiss Cheese

Moving on from the vibrant Muenster, let's turn our attention to Swiss cheese, celebrated for its iconic holes and mild, nutty flavor that make it a standout in the cheese world.

Its versatility shines in sandwiches, cheese platters, and fondue. Swiss Cheese's smooth, elastic texture is perfect for melting, and its distinctive flavor makes it a popular choice for both cooking and snacking.

10. Roquefort Cheese

Let's dive into the world of Roquefort cheese, a robust kind of cheese that's both flavorful and unique. Crafted from sheep's milk and aged in caves, it's tangy taste sets it apart.

  • Rich and pungent, it's flavor is highly concentrated.
  • It's distinctive blue veining adds to its appeal.
  • Great for salads, dressings and quiches.
  • Known as a top-tier cheese for gourmet platters.

Roquefort cheese is a delight for those who appreciate bold flavors.

9. Brie Cheese

Shifting from the robust, tangy flavors of Roquefort, you'll find that Brie cheese offers a luscious, soft, and creamy alternative that's equally as versatile.

This creamy cheese is a holiday favorite, often enjoyed baked and breaded with cranberry sauce. It's larger, provides a heavenly taste and texture when served with French bread and caramelized onions.

Known for its versatility, it's excellent for cheese plates and sandwiches.

8. Cheddar Cheese

Cheddar cheese, with its rich, creamy texture and nutty, slightly tangy flavor, stands as a top-tier cheese, well-loved for its versatility and exceptional melting properties.

You'll appreciate cheddar cheese for its:

  • Versatility in food pairings and recipes
  • Superior melting properties, ideal for comfort foods
  • Rich, nutty, tangy flavor that gets better as it sharpens
  • Ability to elevate dish flavors when melted

No wonder it's a favorite in many kitchens!

7. Camembert Cheese

Continuing our cheese journey, you'll be thrilled to discover Camembert cheese, a luxuriously textured delight that brings a new level of satisfaction to the cheeseboard.

Despite its strong aroma, this good cheese, akin to Brie, adds a creamy richness that balances out the smell. It's a holiday favorite, particularly when baked and paired with French bread and caramelized onions.

Its addictive texture and taste secure its high-ranking spot.

6. Gouda Cheese

If you're looking for a cheese that's mild yet satisfying, you might find Gouda to be a decent choice, although it doesn't quite leave a lasting impression.

In our 'Cheese From Worst to Best' list, it's:

  • Creamy yet forgettable
  • Pairs well with fruits and nuts
  • Versatile for snacking or sandwiches
  • A safe bet if you prefer milder flavors.

5. Mozzarella Cheese

Leaving the mild world of Gouda behind, let's shift our focus to the very heart of your favorite pizza – the gooey, stringy delight that's Mozzarella cheese.

It's incredibly versatile, melting into a satisfying blanket on pizzas and lasagnas, yet perhaps not as enjoyable unmelted.

However, when it's melted, mozzarella cheese tastes like pure happiness, making it a perfect choice for quesadillas.

4. Parmesan Cheese

Let's shift our focus to Parmesan cheese, a savory delight that's a staple in Italian cuisine.

With origins rooted in antiquity, this hard cheese is renowned for its strong, distinct flavor that adds an unparalleled depth to pasta dishes, among others.

What's more, Parmesan is considered a luxury in the culinary world, a testament to its high demand and exceptional taste profile.

Parmesan Cheese Origins

Diving into the origins of Parmesan cheese, you'll find that this rich, nutty delight, also known as Parmigiano-Reggiano, was first crafted in the region around Parma, Italy, tracing its roots back to the Middle Ages.

  • Its initial production was by Benedictine monks.
  • Parmesan is made from unpasteurized cow's milk.
  • The cheese is aged at least 12 months.
  • Its production is strictly regulated and traditional.

This cheese's impactful history contributes to its unique, beloved flavor.

Flavor and Texture Profile

Having understood the historical background and production methods behind Parmesan cheese, you're now ready to appreciate its distinct flavor and texture profile.

Parmesan is known for its robust, nutty, slightly fruity taste, and a granular texture that turns creamy when grated. It crumbles easily, and with age, develops a crunchy texture due to naturally occurring crystals, adding depth to many dishes.

Culinary Uses for Parmesan

Whether you're tossing it into a classic pasta dish, sprinkling it over a fresh salad, or using it to add depth to your risotto, Parmesan cheese can elevate the flavor of your culinary creations with its rich, savory notes.

When considering the culinary uses for Parmesan, it becomes clear that its versatility is unmatched. It enhances pasta dishes, adding a deliciously salty and nutty flavor to every bite. It also adds depth to salads and risotto, giving them a savory kick that takes them to the next level.

Parmesan is not limited to just pasta and grains, though. It is a great topping for soups and veggies, bringing a burst of flavor and texture to every spoonful. Its grated form can even be used to grate it over meats for a savory twist, adding a delicious crust and an extra layer of flavor.

No matter how you choose to use it, Parmesan cheese is a culinary powerhouse that can transform any dish into a masterpiece. Its rich, savory notes and versatility make it a must-have ingredient in any kitchen.

3. Feta Cheese

Imagine sprinkling crumbly, salty, and tangy feta cheese over your Greek salad or incorporating it into a creamy dip, elevating the flavors with its unique taste that's a staple in Greek cuisine.

Preserved in brine, feta's shelf life is lengthy, and its distinct flavor makes it versatile. But beware, its crumbly texture, while perfect for salads and dips, may not suit all dishes.

2. Gruyère Cheese

If you're searching for a cheese that's rich, nutty, and incredibly versatile, look no further than Gruyère. This top-tier cheese is a staple in Swiss cuisine and a favorite among cheese enthusiasts.

Gruyère cheese is perfect for fondue parties. Its creamy texture and balanced flavor make it a delight. It's famed for its excellent meltability. Its versatility shines in gratins and sandwiches.

You'll find Gruyère cheese to be a worthy addition to your cheese lineup.

1. Burrata Cheese

You're about to explore the rich world of Burrata Cheese, an Italian delight known for its creamy decadence. With origins in Southern Italy, its unique blend of mozzarella and stracciatella offers a mild, milky flavor and a velvety texture that's hard to resist.

From salads and pastas to a simple spread on crusty bread, let's discuss how Burrata can elevate your dishes to new heights of culinary enjoyment.

Burrata Cheese Origins

Hailing from the Andria region of Puglia, Italy, burrata cheese, known for its creamy texture and rich flavor, was initially crafted from leftover mozzarella curds wrapped in a pouch of mozzarella and cream.

In terms of burrata cheese origins, consider this:

  • Originated in Puglia, Italy
  • Crafted from excess mozzarella curds
  • 'Burrata' means 'buttered', reflecting its creamy texture
  • Became popular due to its delicate flavor and versatility

Taste and Texture

Delving into the taste and texture of burrata cheese, you'll find it offers a creamy and luscious experience, characterized by a soft outer shell that encases a gooey, rich center.

This delicate, milky, slightly tangy cheese pairs well with both sweet and savory dishes.

When sliced open, the opulent, creamy filling oozes out, creating a unique indulgent experience that's best enjoyed fresh.

Pairing Burrata With Food

When it comes to pairing burrata with food, you'll unlock a world of culinary delights, as this versatile milk cheese not only blends well with a wide variety of flavors, but also enhances them.

  • Burrata shines when combined with fresh tomatoes and basil, drizzled with balsamic.
  • Pair it with prosciutto and arugula, sprinkled with sea salt.
  • Try it with honey, figs, and a dash of black pepper.
  • Roasted vegetables and a drizzle of olive oil offer a heartier pairing.


So, there you have it. Who'd have thought American cheese would be scraping the barrel? And Burrata taking the crown?

It's a wild world out there in the cheese kingdom.

But never fear, cheese lovers, remember that taste is subjective.

So, don't let this list deter you from savoring your beloved Limburger or Stilton.

After all, one man's trash is another man's treasure, or in this case, one man's worst cheese is another's favorite.

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